Horse Menage & Arena Lighting Designs by Wydels Electrical - Bourton Vale Equine Clinic


Case Study: Horse Menage Arena Lighting - Bourton Vale Equine Clinic

Lighting a Horse Menage calls for a different kind of lighting design than say for instance a Car Park. One of the most important components of this is to eliminate shadows as these can spook the animal. Choosing the right column size is important as well as choosing the right Floodlights all contribute to lighting the arena to a required lux levels and uniformity required by the customer.

For this project to Horse Menage which is a large 60m x 40m was going to be used at competition level for a combination of Dressage and Showjumping events. We also had to take in consideration when choosing the columns and floodlights the neighbouring properties to keep light spillage at a minimum. This project used 5 columns either side of the arena with 2 x 500W Sports Arena LED Floodlights on each column. This produced a lighting level that hit all the key factors required for the customer on lighting levels, light spillage to a minimum as well as light uniformity across the arena. 

The Lighting Designs:

These precise 3D lighting designs that we produced for the customer allowed them to understand accurately what light levels they where going to achieve by implementing the new lighting system and the excellent uniformity of light once the project was completed


The Horse Menage Arena once installed and finished:


Have you got a Horse Menage or Arena that needs lighting? Contact us now on on 01536 264064 or