Rutland 504 Windcharger 12V

Sale price£369.00
In Stock
Model: Rutland 504 12V

Marine Windchargers

Install a Rutland Windcharger and experience the convenience of fully charged batteries. Power that is readily available for lights, navigation equipment, laptops and other electrical appliances. Free and renewable energy from the gentlest breeze can be combined with solar panels for a balanced year round power supply.  

About The 12V Rutland 504 Windcharger

The Rutland 504 is a super compact turbine that is great for using wind power for trickle charging. You can be sure that when you arrive on board your batteries will be well charged up and ready for your appliances. 

What is the Rutland 504 suitable for?

  • Caravans
  • Motorhomes
  • Boats
  • Marine
  • Educational Kits


Cut in Windspeed 3 m/s 
Output Voltages Available 12V
Power / Current Ratings
5m/s   10knots 3W (0.2A)
11m/s   21knots 29W (2.1A)
15m/s   29knots 48W (3.4A)
Packed Weight and Dimensions 6kg   550x550x260mm
Generator Type Low friction 3 phase, brushless
Yaw Rotation Slipring for 360° free rotation. Low brush wear
Governing Devices None
Turbine Diameter 510mm
Turning Radius 304mm
Weight 3.5kg



Marlec construct the Rutland wind turbines using a range of modern and traditional high quality materials which are designed to endure in a marine environment. They have innovated in the field by introducing light weight but robust high density nylon and glass reinforced materials that are UV stable alongside marine grade aluminium, stainless steel, sealed for life bearings and other carefully selected and precision worked materials in their UK factory.