Rutland FM910-4 Windcharger 12V and 24V

Sale price£720.00
In Stock
Output Voltage: 12V

Land Based Windchargers

When you need power at a remote site the Furlmatic model Windchargers provide a reliable and cost effective solution. Power generated can be used for off grid homes, remote telecommunications, monitoring, and electric fences, avoiding the costly and inconvenient installation of grid power. 

The Furlmatic Windchargers protect themselves by reducing the rotational speed of the turbine in extremely high winds in a design that continues to stand the test of time. For temporary installations and land installations the smaller wind turbines can be used to keep batteries topped up.

About The Rutland FM910-4 Windcharger

The FM910-4 Furlmatic is without doubt the engineer’s choice of micro wind turbine for battery charging at off grid locations. Countless organisations worldwide have installed tens of thousands of Furlmatics because, simply, their reliability in the toughest weather conditions is so well proven.

What is the Rutland 914i suitable for?

  • Low Energy Isolated Sites
  • Wind Power for Street Lighting
  • Wind Power for Static Caravans



Cut in Windspeed 3 m/s 
Output Voltages Available (Nominal) 12V | 24V
Power / Current Ratings
5m/s   10knots 19W (1.4A) | 19W (0.7A)
11m/s   21knots 92W (6.6A) | 92W (3.3A)
15m/s   29knots 155W (11.2A) | 155W (5.6A)
Packed Weight and Dimensions 16kg   945x344x262mm
Generator Type Low friction 3 phase, brushless
Yaw Rotation Slipring for 360° free rotation. Low brush wear
Governing Devices Tail fin mechanically furls at 15m/s to reduce turbine speed.
Turbine Diameter 910mm
Turning Radius 794mm
Weight 13.1kg



Marlec construct the Rutland wind turbines using a range of modern and traditional high quality materials which are designed to endure in a marine environment. They have innovated in the field by introducing light weight but robust high density nylon and glass reinforced materials that are UV stable alongside marine grade aluminium, stainless steel, sealed for life bearings and other carefully selected and precision worked materials in their UK factory.